~ Remember that "Tennis Elbow" is far better than the dreaded "Tennis Ball"! ! !

21 October 2005


I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn 't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and yuo can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia :)- Amzanig huh?

Yaeh Msis Wihte... and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.


13 October 2005

getting older...

With my B-day around the corner... I have been thinking a lot about growing up, and all of the relationships, shit and broken hearts we go through while waiting around here on earth to die…

I always wonder how many times people have said "I love you" to someone and knew they didn’t really mean it…It makes me think about all of the people that have said they love me and didn’t mean it as well, and I get really pissed off, because I hate when people lie…

I mean, if they were lying to get in my friggin' pants, well that is one thing, but just for the sake of dragging this heart through the mud and mine-field of razors just for shits and jiggles… that aint too cool!

Cos being a plain-simple-straight-up booty call without the twisted web of lies and pit of hurt aint too bad i suppose… Isn’t that what we all want out of life at some time or another; to be someone’s 3am. "go-to" sex slave…

I forgot what I was talking about…

Oh yeah, Love…

Love sucks!!!


12 October 2005

R.A.F - Help STOP da' Goverments SHIT idea...

I am sure everyone has heard the current shit with the R.A.F (Road Accident Fund) and how the goverment wants to do away with it and Blah blah blaaah... excuses... and more excuses!!

As we all know the Road Accident Fund is supposedly billions in the red thanks to Great-mismanagement, corruption and a handful of faceless-greedy-mofo-fat-cats. And as usual, instead of tackling and solving the problem, the FRIGGIN' government heads straight for citizen's pockets and is about to change the law to cover their own butts.

The Government is about to remove your common law rights and remove most personal injury benefits from the Road Accident Fund and basically butt rape the nation further - While we still pay 31.5c to for every litre of petrol we buy (+/- R16 per full tank of juice!!). So we Pay more in future and get less! The proposed changes are unfair, unconstitutional and unrealistic. but are we Surprised...?

What this really means is that when you are in a serious accident and you can't work, or you have serious injuries, there will be severe limits as to what you are able to claim for from the fund. Facture a leg, an arm and be scarred - that's not considered serious by the government! Imagine you now have to sell your home to pay medical bills or recover from your losses - thanks to the government!

More than that, you won't be able to sue anyone else for compensation, because our President would have removed common law rights that would enable you to do so. So, if a drunk millionaire crashes into you, and you suffer a fractured leg and some scarring on your face, your injury won't be considered serious enough for you to get pain and suffering money from the Road Accident Fund - and you can't sue the millionaire!

Insurance companies say they will give us optional extra cover - and they are excited about all of this, because it gives them a chance to sell us more policies - at thousands a year! Lets put safety first - ahead of extra profits for private insurance companies. There is no need to change the current system... just sort it out and get rid of the fat~cats that are dipping their fingers into the tell!!!

So make your voice heard - vote with your mouse and join thousands of South Africans in protesting the government's unconstitutional bull-shit action.

Take a few seconds & clicks to save thousands.

Go to " www.stopthebill.co.za "

Go... go and do it... do it... do it now!!



Cheers bye!
