A "Cheap-Fun-Yummy-Put-You-On-Your-Ass" Party Punch Recipe...
So back in the day at one of the yearly Portuguese fests in the deep-Souf of Jo-burg...
We happened to stumbled upon and have a few glasses of this punch listed down below... it is a sweet-ish... lemon-ish... taste-like-friggin-more punch / cocktail / drink !!!!
What is even better than our first beer-mug full of this stuff... is that we recently happened to find out the easy, way-too-simple and cheap recipe on how to make the friggin' stuff!!!
So with my sista's B-day at the end of January... I decided to do a lil' brewing... and it turned out so good... it would be a sin to keep it all to myself!!! So see below on how to make it...
:- Main Ingredients Needed:
~ 3 bottles of Cane
~ 1 Bag of Lemons
~ 500 grams bag of Brown Sugar
~ 5 Big-ass bags of Ice
~ 1 Large Plastic Container / Dog Dish / Cooler Box / Fish Tank
:- Some Optional extra's I could recommend:
~ A glass of water with same headache pills next to your bed
~ A Old' Mop and bucket
~ A Camera to capture the Mayhem
~ Apology letter for your behavior / actions / nudity
~ A Designated driver if you traveling...
:- Method & Procedure:
It starts off with... the 3 Bottles of the cheapest naughtiest~assed Cane you can get your hands on being added into the biggiest container you can find or steal...

Leave the mixture to stand for about 3 to 4 hours... as all the goods need to meet & greet each other and turn into the Delicious tasting... micheal-jackson dancing poison!!!
Once it has settled for the 3 - 4 hours... take it out to the guests... and help them drink the stuff as shown above!
Then before you have too many helpings of this sweet nectar... be sure to leave the mop, bucket, Apology letter and headache pills out...
As this stuff has a evil way of sneaking up and whacking you dead over the head as I happened to learn that evening!!! ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa!
So give it a bash children... and let me know how your brewing / partying goes...
February 08, 2006 11:41 AM
We made one similar in college, ours went like this:
60 oz and a 40 oz of vodka
15 bottles of beer
3 cans of pink lemonade
Tastes like lemonade, drunk in two glasses (therfore can serve many people)
February 08, 2006 6:53 PM
What is Cane exactly? From Canada, never heard of it...
February 08, 2006 10:58 PM
The drink is called caipirinha (read cuy-pee-ree-ña) and that looks like a mean way to produce it, even if it doesn't come out just "right". Gotta give it a try some day... Try using vodka instead of cane (we call that one caipiroska) or even bacardi (caipirissima).
February 09, 2006 2:25 AM
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