I actually do like beetroot…
I just discovered a few days ago that I actually do like beetroot…
This really sucks butt, cos' when I think of all of the beetroot I have skipped, picked off and thrown away over the years…It got me thinking…"What else is out there that I have been missing by being such a picky eater...?"
So I have decided to pay the beetroot back by launching a "Love for Beetroot" campaign…
The Slogan…"Love Beetroot…Fuck Egg-plant! "… so spread the word children!

You know what really urks me off about beetroot- the magenta staining juice. It's kinda irritating when they stain all the other stuff on your plate... Like pink rice and pink mashed potatoes.
But my all time FAVE is pink pee... haha- how very girlie.
Oh and here are some yummo beetroot tips:
If you're lazy (which most of us crusty humans are) you can just scrub the beeties and wrap em up all snuggly with foil. Pop em in the oven and they is cooked... well after about an hour- but they is yum. Drizzle with lemon juice and joy!
Anways, I don't wanna tarnish my oh-so hardcore rep with too many housewife tips... haha...
Bon Appetite ;)
September 29, 2005 12:41 PM
Sounds good... but seems like way too much effort & time...
I was talking about the R10 al-cheapo bottle no-name from the shops... sliced and gratted already...
But now you mention and brought my attention to the staining of the other foods around it... Grrr... i HATE that too... Dam beetroot!
Pink pee...? As in wee...? Jeeeez ~ i do not think i have eaten that much yet...?
September 29, 2005 2:27 PM
YUCK bottled beetroot!! The fresh stuff makes your pee (wee, yes) all pinkers- you should try it sometime. The guys in the urinals will think ur alien or summin ;)
September 29, 2005 4:40 PM
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