~billyb##zer is back home... with all the fingers, all the toes... and NO vd's!!!!
Well... I.R back from the my travels... back in da' R of S.A... friggin kickin' & fighting the first week back @ the office in da' concrete jungle and slit-throat-rat-race of Jo-ma's-burg!
Grrrrrrr... although so far so good! So I can't really complain! I suppose I do still have a bit of the lazy-chilled holiday vibe left, the beach tan, a maxed-out-cryin' credit card and 3 weeks of dirty laundry to remind me of the holiday!!!
So all in all... the holiday was totally awesome, just what the witch doctor ordered!!! I saw and did a whole lot of diffrent, beautiful and strange things! Travelled to through to Paris, Toulouse, Spain and the UK... where my visit and the Reading Festival with my best-est mate "BiG-C" was out of this world!!!
Sadz & I drank, we partied, we moshed, we laughed and had some good ol' much needed fun!!! I still cant believe it flew pass so quickly! just like the other day we were starting our mornings off with a Carlberg's beer at 9am and group moshing the pommies into the ground and drinking cold beer all day long in the sun!!!
Now I am already back... no beer, no sun and no head shakening music! I think I am starting to develope the D.T's already!!!!
The festival was jammed pack'd...wit
all types of creatures from all corners of the earth and even some from beyond!!! The punk'd, the goths, the lost, the small and then the BIG & scary!!!!
NOFX, Foo-fighters, Rise against and even MM were by far the best at the festival really putting on a show and making the crowd go absolutely ape-shit!!!
There were however a hand full of dissappointments... bands i thought would kick serious ass!!! Like "The (fat-cant-sing) Pixies", "Iggy (I-took-a-double-hit-of-street-crack-B4-i-played) Pop, Dinosuar (we-cant-play-instruments) Jnr, All American (I-get-paid-to-whine) Rejects and a few other bands sounded like lil' hi-school wanna-be's rather than the kick-butt energctic rock Gods they used to be back in the day!!!
Which makes me believe... if I was a famous rock icon / singer or Adut movie star... " I would rather die or fade away long before my time... as so many did like Kurt, Lennon, Bob, Jimmi, Tupac and Debbie'does'Dallas did... rather than 30 or 40 years down the line be playing a badly-lifeless re-union gig while in nappies to some stoned kids who are young enough to be their grand-children! Or is that just me...?
Whats the saying... have your candle blown out early... instead of burning down to nothing and flickering out... or something like that...? Blaah Blaaah blah!!
Anyways... the few poor bands, the large-pushy-stinky-crowds, the puke-inducing-swomp-donkey-filthly-public Toilets and a few punches here or there did not spoil the entire festival!!! It was totally awesome and I would have to recommend everyone should attend a music event the size of Reading at least once in their lives!!! Its out of this world!!!
But before I do sign off... I just wish human cloning was legal in todays world... As I would clone every single lady & mofo out there a 1980 model copy of MY bud Sadz... aka BiG-C... As he is the best... he is the funniest... he is the most generous... and he was my wingman in the biggest mosh I have ever been in and he is my life-long--no-shit-no-frills-here-a-beer BUD!!!!!!!!!!
I think the world / life / people in general would be less fucked up if there were more people out there like him!!! So please people... do yourselves a favour... should cloning ever be legalised in the future... keep your eyes peeled for the carbon copy of Sadz aka BiG-C! As he has a heart the size of his left shoe, his mouth and fists as big as his right shoes... and well ladies... everything else as BIG as both his shoes (size 11)!!! (N.B - This is only hear-say and not actual perossnal hands on eye-witness shit OK!!!) (ha hahaaa)
So people... Thats that! Have yourselves a good Beer and Burp filled two day break... As it is F...F...Fr..Frrrr... Friiii.... FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woop, sounds like you had a killa experience. Welcome back to Afrika! Back to the real world haha...
That pic of the huge red-head and thong was most disturbing! I guess the drug filled air numbed most of the bad stuff ;) At least you had Big C to hold your hand through it all (you know what they say- size does count :P keke!)
Well dude, have a soopa weekend!
P.S. Thanks for dropping into check out my puddle. Life is tuff, but I'm handling and just taking it slo mo.
September 09, 2005 3:29 PM
I be stong! You have a goodie.
I shan't be drinking any wine- maybe some other good alcoholic beverage, as for the bath and good book- a hot shower and soap and a good vid should do the trick.
Your too kind with the support.
September 09, 2005 4:18 PM
Triple that order... looks like I'm the only one commenting ere :P pah... haha. To be honest, I had a weird tinkling that you, in fact, were "Fred"... funny, I know :S Down with the Fred~Z!!
Well Dude, hope you had a roXin' ender. Pow pow for the rest of the week!
September 12, 2005 9:38 AM
Welcome home party animal. Glad you had an awesome time! Missed you lots!!
September 12, 2005 11:32 AM
Eeep, soz for the lo blow groin kix. It was an honest mistake on my part. You know what they say- assumptions are the mother of all...
I have to clear up one mistake you made...
I am actually a 46 year old... and all that other stuff.
Here have a Winnie the Pooh plaster...
September 12, 2005 3:39 PM
I spose I deserved the mothball and purple hi-lites comment. I do however, resent it because I pride myself in a freak fabulous, cutting edge, all-the-rave typa blog.
So screw you and your "rashcream and friggen' groceries" blog.... I mean how lame can you be. Who writes about partying it up in the UK, France and Spain...
Get a life!
P.S. you have a booger hanging out of your nose
September 13, 2005 10:30 AM
Dude, that was way harsh... I was being sarcastic about my fabulous blog, and yours for that matter. It's all stupid irreverant shit...
I know life deals you curve balls, and I've been ranting on about them, but that's what I choose to write about. Pain is inspiration- maybe I deal better when I vent?
Shizmatic... why the hell am I explaining myself to you?!
September 13, 2005 11:57 AM
Yeah, maybe I'm having an overly sensitive day... It's hard to read a person's tone I guess. Apology accepted, I shouldn't have provoked you.... arf.
Oi Later.
September 13, 2005 12:22 PM
No, worries.... who would av known blog-pingpong would be this much fun aye?
I know this is kinda psycho.... but if you wanna chat (mwahaha scary) add me if you have msn/yahoo-
September 13, 2005 12:49 PM
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