poor... poor lobsters
Having seen Lobsters during the flick i went to go see last nite... it got me thinking about what i saw in a restuarant a few months back that I was meaning to have a bitch about!!!
So here it is... It is plain and simple... I think the process of how Lobsters are cooked just sucks... They boil the poor sons of bitches ALIVE in a pot of hell-hot boiling water!
Jeeeeeeeez, could we find some crueler way of cooking these invertebrates, animals or shell-fish, perhaps? Maybe flame broil them alive? Or, hell, let's just eat them raw and alive; rip those snapping claws right off, and bite in!
I knew humans were mean, lousy bastards, but this is cruel even for them... How would YOU like to be boiled alive?? I think that's what we should do to people who do cook lobsters like that...
Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against people killing thingz to chow down on, but I just think we should be a hell of a lot more humane about it... At least kill the poor lobster before cooking it... Just think of the uproar there would be if we made our steaks by throwing a live calf on a fire... and watch it flop around, scream-mooo and kick around in agony for a few minutes!!!
Sure, the animal-lovers would crawl out of the wood work and there would be huge upset about THAT, but apparently lobsters aren't as important to them as cows... After all, lobsters aren't as cute to look at, and don't make any sort of sound, they aint furry or even have any facial expressions, so why feel bad about killing them any way we want?
Oh how I hate such self-serving human attitudes... Of course, I know they'll never change, and lobsters will likely continue to be boiled to death so people with huge amounts of money to blow can have a gourmet dinner...
But... an intresting fact is that lobsters are primarily bottom scavengers / feeders... which means they will eat almost anything, dead, decaying or alive! So I hope evil-cruel-gourmet dinner buyers all choke and get blocked bums!!!

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