People who Cry-friggin'-Wolf...

Well with it being over 10 years of grass-roots-level of our new Constitution and a new democratic government in this lovely rainbow nation of ours… and with everything as I would like to think of as having came a long-looooooong way since the 3 colour flag volk-stat and “blou-van ons se’ hemel” days and that things such as human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms, blah blah blaaaah and everything like that has improved drastically!
Then why is it I still get so friggin’ tired of reading and hearing head lines in the news paper and on Tele’ regarding some sports star or local singer or politician being accused of being racist, using racist slogans etc… etc and he should be punished and blaah blaah blaah and the victims trying to claim compensation for the personal damage caused.
When really I think far tooo many people just use & hide behind the whole “race-card” now a days…
I have been accused on a few occasions of being huge “gasp” racist… but what I want to know… is the exact meaning & action of a racist… So I dropped into Google for a quick meaning check and the first one to pop up was this:
o A Racist is someone that hates a type of people because of their Race. Sometimes they will try to kill the group of people. That is called genocide.
Now from my understanding of that explanation it means… “Basically with no exceptions… I hate an entire particular race… basically for the colour of the skin or beliefs!” And this is what I have been accused of…?
And just for reference this is NOT true in my case… As I do not hate / dislike any particular Race or colour of skin… As some of my best friends from all ends of the earth and colour spectrum… so then how can I be classed as a fully fledged practicing racist…?
Is it perhaps because I swear and give the ol’ finger to a few taxi drivers… cuss, get mad and wanna kill some people and roll cars onto their roofs most days of the week…?
Hmmmmmm… Nope… No... Never... Cos you see… I do these things cos it’s the friggin' arrogant, self-serving, no mannered or careless for those around you sort-of-people that just plan ol’ piss on my battery and want to make me go Postal Worker on their ass!
Cos every single time I have ended up cussing, hating or wanting to beat or kill someone… it was because of their direct actions at that one single moment… and not because of their skin colour, their preferred food or music type or because their aunties, uncles brothers sister 1000 years ago did this or that…
It is just because I feel why shut the hell up… just tell the person that “he / she / it” is in the friggin’ wrong and that they have pissed you off… Regardless of his or his families origin, colour of skin, hair style or belief system… just be like… “Hey fucking asshole… you friggin’ X-Y-Z… or what ever the case might be!!!”
So I ask you this… does that make you a racist…? I think fucking not!!!
So next time you or anyone else feels like you a victim of racism in South Africa… Do yourself and everyone else a friggin’ favour, when things don’t go your way or you end up hearing something you did not like… before ya get all uptight, start crying, phoning the lawyers and pulling the “already-so-tired & lame race card…” start out by first dropping this question in your head… “Is it really because I am Black / Coloured / Indian / Jamaican / Mexican / blaah blaah… then proceed to ask yourself a few more quick questions… “What did I do to bring this on…? Why is it being directed at me…? Is it becos I swerved in front of them… or jump the line or did I in cringed on someone else’s personal space or beliefs… Did I perhaps actually deserve this response / action / running-kick-fuck-slap to the face...?
Then… only if you can not solve these easy questions or have answered no to all of them… Can you honestly say you a victim of racism and are then probably & most unfortunately dealing with someone from the minuscule percentage of todays S.A-ians that have not moved on from “die ou’ khaki dae” and it is best you walk away and leave them alone… as they have enough problems of their own to deal with… like falling off horses, fixing tractors and sipping back “klippies” brandy for breakfast!
This sort of character can also easily be confirmed by looking the trade marks of ex AWB supportor such as the hand-bar moustaches, khaki bush clothes, brandy-tans with a huge pot-belly tucked into their undies, wanked out veld-skoens, Texan-plain cigarettes or wooden smoking pipe and a greasy comb-over-the-bald-spot hair-cuts… These types are best to be avoided if at all possible!
But at the end of the day… I make no claim that racism no longer exists, as though it has been somehow magically erased & forever banished from our country. As narrow-mindedness, the foundation that provides soil for racism to grow… is still friggin' with us.
All I am saying is that in this country, which has played such a historic role in awakening S.A core values of fairness over the last couple of years… I think we are just exposed to the cry of racism far tooooo often.
So we should try resist, condemn and mega-bitch-slap the accuser of the charge when it is misused and un-called for... For when the time comes to truly scrutinize or condemn an act of clear racism, we may no longer be able to recognize it…
But... its just a thought... So like... Use it... Dont use it!!
Viva billyboozer Viva!
January 30, 2006 2:50 PM
You have it EXACTLY right. It's not the outer, but the inner...
Keep rockin' the boat of mediocrity.
Have a goodie!!!
January 31, 2006 8:25 AM
Do you work for a newspaper?
If not call me +4499743773
February 01, 2006 3:40 PM
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