~ Remember that "Tennis Elbow" is far better than the dreaded "Tennis Ball"! ! !

02 June 2005

Drunken BastardMan

Drunken BastardMan
Originally uploaded by

Ha haha - Good morning, good afternoon and Goodnite to you all...

Just a quick up-date... to help you all get through until the weekend...

So to laugh your balls off guys... and laugh~rip your nipples off chicks... go check out the following site!


It has become my new favorite-est-est site... Drunken BastardMan takes a clear look into all the problems facing South Africans today... everything from S.A Democracy, Affirmative action, Culture, politics, Glue Kidz, fuckward Americans, Movie reviews, Fashion and the man in the street... and gives it his shoot-from-the-hip thoughts... no pussy footing around with etiquette, formalities, social norms and the dam hush~hush attitude that most people in this county have developed over the years…

I personally love the slap your mother… tuff-fucking-dry-wank if you do not like it, go cry in a dark corner while bending over touching your toes and take it up the ass sort of way he writes!

You can not argue... this Drunken BastardMan has talent... and hits the nail on it head almost ever time around!

So check it out... let me know...
Cheers bye...



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