~ Remember that "Tennis Elbow" is far better than the dreaded "Tennis Ball"! ! !

06 May 2005

To dribble or Not to dribble....

A quick question for all of the guys out there…

Does anyone else go through periods where when you are done having a huge piss, you throw the ol’ tackle back in… pull up the fly and then it happens… a little squirt of pee decides it wants to make a daring escape and places a little wet dot ever so neatly on the front of your pants…

I fucking hate when this happens… If it is really bad, you have to then put a little extra water on so people will think the sink was just really strong… And when you return to your group you have to announce, "Jeeeeez Man, watch out for the sink… It is a soaker." While pointing to your crotch area and laughing nervously to yourself.

I am having a dry spell today, but a few days ago, it was really bad… And I don’t wear underwear, so basically it was going down my leg… giving me damp socks!

Really uncomfortable on a cold day.




Blogger *~*Michelle*~* said...

I am not a guy, but that was hystarical!

May 06, 2005 4:31 PM


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